viernes, 13 de octubre de 2017

5-future work

It’s not easy to think about where I see myself professionally in the future, but I know that I definitely want to get a PhD sometime in the near future. I would like to do more research on immigrant language identity and therefore, the kind of work I do would be related to that.

Ideally, I’d like to work in the Ministry of education because I believe we need to define policies to better integrate our immigrant learners. I also think that Chileans could better benefit from coming into contact with people from different countries and cultures if we find ways to make immigrants more active participants in education aspects as well as diverse social-cultural activities.

Another area that interests me is developing assessment material for young learners and adult learners. In public schools, much of the process of assessment has to do with just memorizing information and not really using the new knowledge in a critical way. It’s fundamental to teach young learners critical thinking skills because they are useful not just for learning a new language but for any area of life. Assessment in English at schools should better integrate the use of passive and active skills. Learners should be able to ‘do’ things with the language and not just show they’ve memorized things.

Regardless of what I end up doing, what I really need is stability. University teachers nowadays do not have contract so we work under precarious conditions with no job security. We have to work in different places and it’s really tiring and it takes time away from class prep. Sometimes I feel I´d like to do more things in my classes but sometimes I’m just really exhausted! So I guess the most important thing right now is to have work stability.
Image result for tired teacher meme

11 comentarios:

  1. I really like how you think, because I also feel that immigrants have to be able to have a chance, and it takes commitment from everyone (even a language teacher) to make them feel goos at our contry.

  2. If we think in feedback, talking with the inmigrants or making activities with them,that has been very good to us, just like community.

  3. it´s so interesting to make more immigrants active in the education of chile, because they need the same opportunities of study and they know more about other cultures and lenguage.

  4. it is true that most schools nowadays dont teach students how to use the knowledge in a critical way. They have to prepare people to face the world!

  5. I like the idea of ​​integrating the immigrants here in Chile, to a better education, in that way we can all learn about the culture and languages of the different countries

  6. I totally agree with you on how to teach English in schools. For example I see my little brother trying to memorize a lot of concepts and vocabulary, but not really learning english.

  7. Oh! That sounds very interesting! I believe that there is an urgent need for a change in education. I attended an integration school, where half the school was foreign and I remember one day a traditional fair was held and we were able to try different types of food and learn their dances. It was really amazing!

  8. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  9. it´s true we need better public policies about education

  10. We need a change of the teaching structure, maybe you can do something in the Ministry of education, but is so hard be heard in this country that don't want to change the rules.

  11. Chilean people have a serious lack of english skills therefore I think it's necessary training kids in a real english context because as you said nowadays people just memorize things and they don't really use english neither understand it.
