Summer Holidays
I am really looking forward to the holidays
this year. Every day, is like a countdown and the idea that classes at my other
university end in just two weeks is both exciting and terrifying!
It’s exciting because there are things that
I’ll be able to do that I can’t do now because I don’t have time. On the other
hand, it’s also stressful to think about the end of the semester at the other
university because there is still so much to be done; I mean, the amount of
marking and uploading is just abysmal! There are 27 grades per student and the
average number of students per class is 30. It’s a bit insane really.
As I have said, I’m just really tired and
what I really want to do is mostly sleep and do nothing. Yes, it’s not exciting
at all but the thought of just getting up at any time and not thinking about
marking, and all that, is just pure bliss.
I do want to get as much rest as possible, it’s
true, but I also want to do some things. Now you’re going to think I’m an
absolute geek but the prospect of being able to go to parks with my boyfriend
and to watch old English series seems pretty sweet right now. A thing that I’m
anticipating even more than that is doing knitting and crocheting. I am a yarn junkie
and thinking about going into my yarn stash and working on different projects
is enough to give me the last bit of energy to finish this semester.
I know most people would think my vacation
plans are boring or geeky, but for me holidays don’t necessarily mean traveling
and doing ‘exciting’ things. Vacation means time to rest and to focus on the
things that make my mind and soul happy.