I like the idea of conducting research and gaining more insight into issues related to identity and language. I couldn't do the PhD in Chile because there are no universities that offer a program in this área. I also think that doing a PhD abroad is better valued by people.
I would like to study in a f2f program because I believe that it's more beneficial to learn with others and through real time interactions wih others. I also think that knowing that I have to be at a specific place at a specific time helps me to organize my time more efficiently.
The idea of studying in a very old English university with a huge library and amazing architecture is a bonus in itself. If it were completely up to me I'd study at Cambridge or Oxford, but realistically speaking, I'd be happy at any of the traditional and old universities in the UK.
Cardiff university PhD program seems very appealing because they have courses on Culture and Memory which I believe are key in defining a people's identity.
If posible, I'd like to take some time off from work to seriosulu look into this and apply to a PhD program, until then, I'll be conducting research here in Chile with Haitian language learners. I'm not short of motivation but just short of time.
"Haitian language learners" makes me feel integrated, how is that?
ResponderBorrarWhen there are power issues in a language class, sometimes students feel that they don't have the right to speak. I want to know how they feel in an Englsih classroom given that they sometimes have problems with Spanish so when they don't understand something in English, Spanish doesn't help either...
BorrarSame as you,I think it is important to study in a f2f program, specially if you are studying something about language, because you must be in real contact with people to learn it well.
ResponderBorrar"The idea of studying in a very old English university with a huge library and amazing architecture is a bonus in itself" totally agree with you!!
ResponderBorrarStudy about the identity of other cultures it´s a great idea for know the reality of other parts of the world.
ResponderBorrari think that is very sad that in Chile we don't have a truly English school to teach the PhD, i think that is very necessary in these days.
ResponderBorrarI'm agree with you about to study in a f2f program, because you can have a better connection with the person who is teaching you and that important if you want learn about languages
ResponderBorrarI am glad that you can work with the Haitian community in Chile. I hope you can study! :D
ResponderBorrarThose culture and memory courses sound very interesting!